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klamo – well dressed per app

a project by
Mohammad Ajul

Mirror, Mirror in my Hand

Buying clothes online is a risk. What do the clothes look like on me? Many returns are due to false impressions. The returned goods are often destroyed in the process. This wastes resources and pollutes the environment. My project, the development of an app that simulates the appearance of clothes on the specific user, should help to overcome this problem. It will create a realistic visual impression of the piece of clothing on the body of the buyer. From a technical point of view, the app works with information about the user that has to be entered before: age, sex, weight, height. Afterwards, the user has to enter its body measurements on a model. By using the camera, the head is scanned. The app then presents a model of the user’s head and asks if it’s close enough to the user’s appearance. If not, the app suggests adjustments until everything is correct. If everything is correct, the app begins and the user can »try on« selected clothes, thus getting a realistic picture of what fits and looks good and what doesn’t.
This is the modern mirror on the wall.


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I would like to thank Germany wholeheartedly for welcoming us as refugees on their soil, while most Arab countries have unfortunately closed their doors to us. I would like to thank my German family (Groß-Bölting) very much for always supporting and encouraging me. I dedicate my modest success to all people who have the courage to fight for their lives.