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niches in the animal world

a project by
Rabea Stockbrink

An Exhibition on Current Research

Niche. A place where you are alone. To retreat and unfold. But niches are not just a place. In the animal kingdom, ecological niches can take on the most diverse, individual forms. A special exhibition at the LWL-Museum of Natural History in Münster, in cooperation with the Collaborative Research Centre of the Universities of Bielefeld and Münster, will show exactly this diversity from spring 2021. Male guinea pigs for example can adapt their hormone levels to new social structures. Flour beetles that have already fallen ill protect themselves against new illness with their personal medicine mix, and some ant queens prefer to establish a colony together rather than alone.

As part of the special exhibition, this project of science illustration with large wall designs shows the process of research and its latest findings. The many illustrations, vivid graphics and interactive haptic elements invite visitors to put on a lab coat and become researchers themselves.


At the end of my bachelor semester and also of my studies I would like to thank you. To everyone who supported me and was always there for me when things got a bit chaotic. You are very important for me :)