  • product
  • media
  • master
  • communication
  • illustration

reading experience

a project by
Pascal Reckel &
Adrian Szymanski &
Konstantin Schulze

A transmedial magazine concept

For years the publication market has been struggling with declining sales figures of printed magazines. In response, the publishing industry tried to integrate conventional magazine content into a digital environment. However, reading behavior and media consumption is changing with the growing digitalization of our society. It is less common to pick up a magazine to inform oneself or kill time. Although analog and digital formats both have the right to exist, there currently is no symbiosis between those two channels. My masters thesis investigates how different media can be used effectively to positively influence the development of the magazine market. By using self-developed theoretical models, the magazine concept »Neuland« illustrates how media takes on specific tasks within a transmedial brand cosmos and therefore opens up new forms of storytelling. As a result, reading media can play to their strengths, be used in a flexible way and respond to the recipient’s personal needs.


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